Prepare: Instrument rental and purchase suggestions to make a seamless transition from class to home.
Suggested violin rental and purchase of foam shoulder rest:
Chicago Strings:
We suggest purchasing: Yamaha CGS Student Classical Guitar (¾ size) with nylon strings and carrying case.
We suggest purchasing: Luna Soprano Ukulele and carrying case.
We suggest purchasing Casio SA76EDP Personal Keyboard package (includes headphones, software cd, and power supply). Carrying Case sold separately. Batteries required for class.
Music Stand:
A portable music stand that is durable and easy for students to carry.
The following links are designed to make it easy for families to order specific supplies for the band at Alcott Elementary.
Quinlan and Fabish Instruments and Supplies
Parents needing to order an instrument, should use the Band Rental portal at
- Type in “Alcott Elementary” in the search field
- Select your instrument of choice
- The search will automatically populate with the specific starter needs for Band.
(Information for LaSalle Band coming Soon)